Scott Archery Apex Handheld Thumb Release Gun Metal
Reaching the pinnacle of release design, the Scott Archery Apex Handheld Thumb Release delivers comfort and confidence at full draw while offering numerous options to match your shooting style. Target-inspired, the Apex combines tight tolerance and engineering expertise to deliver ultimate accuracy. Three and four finger extension offerings are included which have 50 degrees of angle adjustment to help you find that perfect style of shooting. The adjustable micro travel, trigger tension and additional large thumb barrel delivers performance custom built for you. The nickel-plated brass handle is ergonomic to maximize comfort when pulling back a string.
-Nickel-Plated Brass Handle
-Open Auto Return Hook Design
-Adjustable Trigger Tension and Travel
-3 and 4 Finger Adjustable Extensions Included
-Improved Cocking Mechanism
-Includes Additional/ Interchangeable Thumb Barrel